
An ambitious class project

What are Mark and Kostas, our two Internet friends, doing? What are they talking about? Read your book to find out!

Here is a calculator, if you need it to realize how much damage we do to the environment!

And here are some quizzes I have prepared for you! Have fun!

Do you need more facts to be convinced that you must do something NOW? Listen to what these kids have to say!

Voki 1
Voki 2
Voki 3
Voki 4
Voki 5

Find out more at:

Do you remember the songs we sang in class?

The lyrics appeared in a newspaper, can you believe that? :-P

Change the world in five minutes (video and activities from http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org)

Do you know what you can do to help the environment? Watch the video to find out how to change the world in five minutes a day!


  • Do the preparation activity to help you with words from the video.
  • Watch the video then play the games to check your understanding.
  • You can also print the worksheets for more practice.
  • Remember to read our discussion question and leave a comment!

Go to https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/video-zone/change-the-world-five-minutes


What could you and your friends do in five minutes to help change the world?

GAMES from http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org

Your room is a mess! There's rubbish lying all around, but you can recycle it. Can you put the rubbish in the right recycling bins?
There are 12 objects in the room. Roll over an object and you will see the name of the object. Click on the object and use your mouse to drag it to the right bin. For example, if the object is made of glass, drag it to the bin marked 'glass'. There are 3 objects in each bin.

Go to https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/games/how-green-are-you to play!

Oh my lovely... student poems

Dear students,

Watch the presentation with the poems you' ve written. Move forward and backwards with the arrows. Enjoy!

Have you written a similar poem? Would you like to share it with us? Post it below:
(Έχεις γράψει κι εσύ ένα παρόμοιο ποίημα για το αγαπημένο σου αντικείμενο/φαγητό/ρούχο...; Ανάρτησέ το παρακάτω να το δούμε όλοι) 

Past habits

Listen to the song and answer the questions!


Greetings from Europe

From our postcard exhibition at school, part of our Greetings from Europe! Postcard exchange eTwinning project (2018)

Canva Postcards by nandiames on Scribd

Natural Beauties by nandiames on Scribd

Ancient Monuments by nandiames on Scribd

Food by nandiames on Scribd

Customs by nandiames on Scribd

Modern Structures by nandiames on Scribd

Architecture by nandiames on Scribd

Religious Elements by nandiames on Scribd

famous ancient Greeks.docx by nandiames on Scribd

Famous Greeks by nandiames on Scribd

Delphi Monemvasia Ancient Olympia Scarves by nandiames on Scribd

Museums... museums... museums...

There are huge ones... Some are just big... There are smaller ones... Surely you can find one in every part of the world. Each one of them has something to show you and a story to tell. Visit the museums of the world and learn something you didn' t know or you could never imagine. Their exhibits can answer your questions or they can make you wonder.

List of world museums (explore museums by country)


London transport museum leaflet pdf 

1. Find a museum that you like, visit its website and find the information you need to make a leaflet.

  • general info about the museum
  • museum activities for schools and children
  • opening hours
  • admission
  • location
  • telephone number and website
  • pictures of the exhibits or the museum/its gift shop or cafe
  • anything else that you think is needed

Have a look at some museum leaflets to get ideas (I have made one for you, too!):

2. For the leaflet, you can use Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Word or a simple piece of A4 paper.
3. When you are ready, save your work and upload it here so that everyone can see it.

1. Να φτιάξετε ανά ομάδες ένα φυλλάδιο για ένα μουσείο που θα επιλέξετε. Βρείτε το στο διαδίκτυο (π.χ. από την παραπάνω λίστα με τα μουσεία) και συλλέξτε πληροφορίες όπως:
  • γενικές πληροφορίες για το μουσείο και τα προγράμματα που διαθέτει για σχολεία και παιδιά
  • τις μέρες και ώρες λειτουργίας του μουσείου
  • τις τιμές των εισιτηρίων
  • πού βρίσκεται
  • το τηλέφωνο και την ιστοσελίδα του μουσείου
  • εικόνες από τα εκθέματα και τους χώρους του μουσείου (γκαλερί, μαγαζάκι δώρων, καφετέρια κλπ)
  • ό,τι άλλο θεωρείτε απαραίτητο να συμπεριληφθεί σε ένα φυλλάδιο
Πάρτε ιδέες για φυλλάδια από τον παραπάνω σύνδεσμο που παραθέτω και από το φυλλάδιο για το London Transport Museum που έφτιαξα για εσάς με τον Microsoft Publisher.

2. Για να σχεδιάσετε το φυλλάδιο μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το Microsoft Publisher, το Microsoft Word ή ένα απλό χαρτί A4.
3. Όταν είστε έτοιμοι, αποθηκεύστε τη δουλειά σας στο φάκελο της τάξης σας (με όνομα museum_leaflet_to onoma sou) και ανεβάστε το φυλλάδιο εδώ στο wikispaces (πατώντας το κουμπί File) για να το θαυμάσουμε όλοι!

Have fun exploring!

The omnibus


The omnibus at London Transport Museum
Reconstruction of the Shillibeer horse bus from 1829, 1929

For more info and photos:

Now it' s time to play a game. It has no rules but it IS about them!!

Finland (kahoot games)


You are going to watch a short film about the use of the mobile phone.
Watch it carefully and do the quiz or worksheet activities!
IDIOTS from BLR_VFX on Vimeo.

Lazarillo de Tormes

The Life of Lazarillo de Tormes is an important novel in Spanish literature.
Lázaro is a boy of humble origins from Salamanca. His father dies and after his stepfather is accused of thievery, his mother asks a blind beggar to take Lazarillo on as his apprentice. Lázaro develops his cunning while serving the blind beggar and several other masters, while also learning to take on his father's practice. The book describes how hard his life with his different masters is.

Some facts about the book from Wikipedia:

  • It was published anonymously in 1554 but documents recently discovered that the author was Diego Hurtado de Mendoza.
  • It founded a literary genre, the picaresque novel, from the Spanish word pícaro, meaning "rogue" (απατεώνας) or "rascal" (κατεργάρης, κακοποιός). In novels of this type, the adventures of the pícaro expose injustice (αδικία) while amusing the reader. This genre includes the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain.
  • Lazarillo also influenced 20th century "anti-hero" novels, dramas and films.
  • The author criticises many organisations and groups of persons through the different masters that Lazarillo serves, especially the appearance and hipocrisy of the Catholic Church (five of Lazarillo' s eight masters in the novel serve the church). Because of this, the book was banned by the Spanish Crown.
  • Long before Oliver Twist and Huckleberry Finn, the anonymous author of Lazarillo treated a boy as a boy, not a small adult.
  • Long before modern treatment of "persons of colour", this author treats sympathetically the pleasures and pains of an interracial family (Lazarillo' s stepfather is black and he has a half-brother who is also dark-coloured).
  • Lazarillo means "little Lázaro". The surname de Tormes comes from the river Tormes. In the narrative, Lazarillo explains that his father ran a mill on the river, where he was literally born on the river. The river Tormes runs through Lazarillo's home town, Salamanca, a Castilian university city. (There is an old mill on the river, and a statue of Lazarillo and the blind man next to the Roman bridge in the city.)
  • In the book there are characters such as the Cleric, the Friar, the Pardoner, the Priest and the Archbishop. They all have something wrong either with them as a person or with their character. The only named characters are Lazarillo and his family: his mother Antoña Pérez, his father Tomé Gonzáles, and his stepfather El Zayde.

The Spanish eTwinners that take part in the ESN go to a school named after Lazarillo. In Spain, 23rd April is a public holiday and also "World Book day". In Salamanca, the hometown of our friends, they do an activity on that date: a continuous reading of the book Lazarillo de Tormes. They do hangouts with different schools every year. This year the date for this reading will be the 22nd April (as the 23rd is a Saturday.

Read these two pages from the novel about Lazarillo and the blind man and try to read it aloud as better as you can. We can make a recording of your narration and upload it on Twinspace for our Spanish friends.

Our yearbook (for 6th Grade)


Make a class yearbook. Interview one of your classmates and write about him/her in a Word document. Use pictures or drawings and your texts to make your yearbook. It is going to be a nice souvenir from your class.

Φτιάξε με τους συμμαθητές σου μια επετηρίδα για την τάξη σου (δηλαδή ένα βιβλίο που εκδίδεται ετησίως από ένα σχολείο και περιέχει πληροφορίες για τη χρονιά που πέρασε σχετικές με τους μαθητές, τις δραστηριότητες, κλπ.). Κάνε τις παρακάτω ερωτήσεις σε ένα συμμαθητή σου και γράψε για αυτόν σε ένα έγγραφο Word. Χρησιμοποίησε εικόνες/ζωγραφιές για να φτιάξεις μια σελίδα από την επετηρίδα. Αποθήκευσε την εργασία σου στον υπολογιστή σου και ανέβασέ την εδώ στο wiki σαν αρχείο (File).

Here are some questions you can ask:
  • Where are you from?
  • Where is your father/mother from?
  • What does your father/mother do?
  • Have you got any brothers or sisters? How many? What are their names? How old are they?
  • What's your favourite sport? Do you play it? Where and when?
  • What's your hobby/after-school activity? How often do you do it?
  • What's your favourite food?
  • What's your favourite school subject? Why?
  • Have you got a pet? What's his/her name? What do you do together?
  • Can you play a musical instrument? Which one?
  • Can you speak foreign languages? Yes? How many? Which ones?
  • What can you do in English?
  • In which clubs do you take part?
  • Which is your favourite school memory this year?
  • Which school event was your favourite this year? (school play, field trip, a special visit, Christmas celebration, end-of-year show, maths competition...)
  • In your opinion, which is the funniest or strangest thing that happened at school this year?

Then you must add a picture of your friend and fill in the information missing:

Place of birth:
Father' s place of birth:
Mother' s place of birth:
Father' s job:
Mother' s job:
Favourite sport:
Favourite food:
Favourite school subject:
Musical instrument(s) he/she can play:
Foreign language(s) he/she can speak:
Things he/she can do in English:
Clubs he/she participates in:
His/Her favourite school memory this year is: OR The best part about school this year was:
His/Her favourite school event this year was:
Funniest/Strangest moment at school was: (when...)

Here is an example you can download

A friendly letter

LEARNING STRATEGIES - When I write a friendly letter









OPENING or CLOSING paragraph?




MATCH these useful expressions:






Irregular verbs rap

Practise irregular verbs the fun way!



Now it' s your turn!


Songs for learning English

My future job

What will you be when you grow up?
Read the texts
Learn some new words with these activities I have prepared for you!
Activity 4 - Personality traits and skills hangman 

Some more activities I have prepared for you:

Reveal the hidden image!


Horse race

Do you want to be a millionaire?


Vote for the best job!

Asking for and giving directions

Here are a few activities from the British council

 Click on Instructions, Preparation and Ckeck your understanding activities


LAMS lessons for 6th Grade

Here is the link to my LAMS lesson we did in class today. It is about TRAVELLING THROUGH TIME (a revision of Unit 5, Αγγλικά ΣΤ' Δημοτικού)
Hit the PREVIEW button (top-right) to go through the activities.

The Fall of Icarus

Landscape with the Fall of Icarus c. 1558 (180 Kb); Oil on canvas, mounted on wood, 73.5 x 112 cm; Musees royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels

Look at Bruegel' s painting and read the following poem.

According to Brueghel, when Icarus fell... 
It was spring
A farmer was working in his field
A shepherd was looking after his sheep.
A fisherman was catching fish
near the edge of the sea.
All were sweating in the sun
that melted the wings' wax.
Off the coast there was a splash
quite unnoticed.
This was Icarus' drowning.

Then look at some other pupils' drawings:


A. Write your own poem about the fall of Icarus. Consider these:

  • What season was it?
  • What were some people doing?
  • What happened then? What did the people see, hear or notice?
  • What happened to Icarus finally?

B. Express your own feelings about the fall of Icarus. Make your own drawing.

C. Make a presentation about the fall of Icarus with pictures and music that you will find. If you have written a poem, you can include it, too.
Watch examples from other students like you:

Some powerpoint presentations:

Now it' s your turn to make a presentation with pictures, text and music (if you want to)!
This online converter will help you add music to it

Remember! Keep your presentation easy to read!

Here are some drawings from my students:

Here' s the fall of Icarus by Socrates S.

... and by Jenny, Chrysanthi and Evi

... and by Konstandina



Drawing, sheet 2 of 5, U.S. Patent No. 398984, issued March, 5, 1889, for Reuben J. Spaulding's Flying Machine. Consisting of wings and a tail attached to a man, the man-powered ornithoper device was designed to make its wearer look (and fly like) a bird.Credit: National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Archives Reference No.: 74-741source: http://howthingsfly.si.edu/forces-flight/we-aren%E2%80%99t-built-fly

Who was the first man to fly?
How much do you know about the history of the airplane and the flight of the Wright brothers?
Do you know the parts of the airplane?

For all this and much more, visit the following webpage and do the fun activities!

The FLEET AIR ARM Museum is a museum in England that has a lot to teach you about the history of the airplane and flights. If you are interested, take a look at its website Fleet Air Arm Museum

Here you can play with the four forces of flight (click on the picture)



If you have powerpoint in your computer, then you can play this game I' ve made for you:


A Midsummer Night' s Dream

In this famous comedy written by the English playwright William Shakespeare, you can read about the adventures of four young Athenian lovers and a group of six amateur actors, who are controlled and manipulated by the fairies who inhabit the forest in which most of the play is set. The play is very popular and widely performed around the world.

  • For Shakespeare' s biography visit this page

YOUR TASK (η εργασία σου)
Read and listen to some dialogues from the adapted play. Then you can record your own dialogues and listen to them. You can use vocaroo for this.
(Διάβασε και άκουσε μερικούς διαλόγους από το έργο. Μετά μπορείς να διαλέξεις ένα ρόλο, να τον προβάρεις και να ηχογραφήσεις με την ομάδα σου το δικό σας διάλογο με το εργαλείο vocaroo).


          • For a very short version of the play for children, watch the video at
and do the activities. They' re fun!

Imaginary creatures (monsters, fairies, ghosts...)

People and appearance(easy)
Describing people
Monsters of mystery
Fantasy animals
Human body (quiz)

Anagram - Adjectives

Hidden Words - Comparative and Superlative forms

Comic - Comparison of adjectives


Multiple Choice - Comparisons IV
Multiple Choice - Comparisons III
Multiple Choice - Comparisons V
Multiple Choice - Comparisons VI
Multiple Choice - Comparisons VII

Picture Dictionary - Describing people

Cloze Test - Tinkerbelle

Cloze Test - Batman
Cloze Test - The world's largest cruise ship
Cloze Test - Scylla & Charybdis

Comic - Adjectives & Adverbs

6th Grade' s acrostic poems about imaginary creatures:

Are tiny, they aren' t
Round and round they go
Yrenigami they are
(by Evi)

However scary
Over the human world
Scary creatures
They are mysteries of the heaven
(by Alex)

6th Grade' s drawings about favourite heroes:


Have you got a poem or a drawing to add?
(Έχεις να προσθέσεις ένα δικό σου ποίημα ή ζωγραφιά σαν τα παραπάνω;)

Let' s write a story

You surely remember our project last year. It' s not over yet. We can do a little more to remember the stories. Ready? Go!

Here is the blog with ALL the stories, your partners' and yours. There are eleven pages with stories. Please, answer these questions:

1. Find a story that has "forest" in the title and write its full title and the page where you found it

2. Find a story that has "dream" in the title and write its full title and the page where you found it

3. Find a story that has "unicorn" in the title and write its full title and the page where you found it

4. How many stories are about Christmas?

5. Which is your most favourite story? Write its full title and the page where you found it

6. Which is your least favourite story? Write its full title and the page where you found it

7. Now have a look at the magazine below. How many stories did E1 write for the project? Which is your most favourite and what is it about? Which was the hardest for you to write and what is it about? Write their full titles.

a. You can use the discussion below to answer the questions with your team.
b. You can also leave a polite comment on the **Let' s write a story** blog.
c. I am going to record your answer to question 7. Some of you are going to be interviewed!

Happy reading!

Guy Fawkes

Remember, remember the 5th November!
What happened on 5th November? Do you know?
It was in the year 1605 when... click! to read about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot (= τη συνωμοσία της πυρίτιδας) or click to watch a little video about how Bonfire night (η Νύχτα με τα πυροτεχνήματα) started!

Do you like Bonfire night from what you have been reading?
Do we light bonfires in our area? If yes, when and to celebrate what?

Mr Bean

Mr Bean is English. He rarely speaks and he gives unusual* or even absurd* solutions to situations. He often behaves like a child and is petty* and malevolent* but he is very funny and very popular.

*unusual (ασυνήθιστος)
*absurd (παράλογος)
*petty (κακοήθης)
*malevolent (κακόβουλος, μοχθηρός)

Let' s watch a couple of video clips with Mr Bean and do a few worksheets/activities while having fun!
Then you can add your comments to the discussion below.
(Ας παρακολουθήσουμε μερικά επεισόδια με τον Mr Bean κι ας κάνουμε μερικές ασκήσεις διασκεδάζοντας.
Μετά μπορείτε να γράψετε τα σχόλιά σας στην συζήτηση παρακάτω).

VIDEO CLIP 1: Mr Bean - Eating competition

 Now do Worksheet No1(Να κάνετε το πρώτο φύλλο εργασίας)

In Britain, money comes in pounds (λίρες) and pence (πένες). Look at this picture of British money:

 Now you can watch VIDEO CLIP 2: Mr Bean - Restaurant etiquette and answer some questions (Παρακολουθήστε το βιντεοκλίπ και απαντήστε στις ερωτήσεις του κουίζ)

VIDEO CLIP 3: Mr Bean -The curse (=κατάρα) of steak tartare
Mr Bean doesn' seem to enjoy his steak tartare.
Do WORKSHEET No2 while watching the clip (Να κάνετε το 2ο φύλλο εργασίας ενώ παρακολουθείτε το βιντεοκλίπ)

For more on steak tartare visit this blog

Now watch clips 4 and 5 and do worksheet No3 (three pages)
Παρακολουθήστε το 4ο και 5ο βιντεοκλίπ και κάντε το φύλλο εργασίας 3 (τρεις σελίδες)

VIDEO CLIP 4: Mr Bean - The perfume counter

VIDEO CLIP 5: Mr Bean - Department store

Now you can join the discussion!
Τώρα μπορείτε να γράψετε στη συζήτηση παρακάτω.
Did you like the videoclips you watched?
Do you like Mr Bean? Why (or why not)?
What was the funniest part that you watched?
Would you ever solve difficult situations like he does and do the things he does? It may be funny but is it right?

The elephant' s foot

Do you know which is the most toxic object in the world? Watch this video to learn about the elephant' s foot:

If there was one thing you learnt from this video and would like to tell your mum or dad, what would it be?

My country Greece (for 6th Grade)


Here you can present your country or your favourite country (after you do a little research about it in your books, atlases, encyclopedias or the internet). Go for it!!

Εδώ μπορείτε να παρουσιάσετε τη χώρα σας ή την αγαπημένη σας χώρα (αφού κάνετε λίγη έρευνα για αυτήν στα βιβλία σας, άτλαντες, εγκυκλοπαίδειες ή στο διαδίκτυο).

My country Greece by Theo, Eva, Stavroula and Peter, 2017-18


Which is your favourite country that you would like to present to the rest of us?
Can you form a small group with your friends and do a little presentation?
(Μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε το χώρο παρακάτω για τα σχόλια για να φτιάξετε μια μικρή ομάδα, να μοιράσετε τη δουλειά και να παρουσιάσετε την αγαπημένη σας χώρα)

The Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is one of India' s landmarks. It is actually one of the world' s greatest landmarks.
Learn about it in this video on our English blog:

Μάθε στο βίντεο του παραπάνω συνδέσμου για το Ταζ Μαχάλ, ένα από τα σημαντικότερα ορόσημα της Ινδίας αλλά και του κόσμου γενικότερα.

You might even like playing this trivia game I have made for you!
Ισως σου αρέσει να παίξεις το παιχνίδι γνώσεων που σου ετοίμασα!

The Taj Mahal (part 1)

The Taj Mahal (part 2) 


What facts are the most impressive about the Taj Mahal? What did you learn watching this video that you would like to share with the rest of us here?
Τι σε εντυπωσίασε από το βίντεο που αφορά στο Ταζ Μαχάλ και θα ήθελες να μοιραστείς με τους υπόλοιπους εδώ;

(Use English, please!!) 

Mother Teresa

Write here what you already know or what information you have found about Mother Teresa.
This link http://www.ducksters.com/biography/mother_teresa.php may help you to get started.
You can even make a fakebook page for Mother Teresa. Don' t forget to write the link here, if you make one, so we can all see it!

Εδώ μπορείτε να γράψετε ό,τι γνωρίζετε ή ό,τι πληροφορίες μπορείτε να βρείτε για τη Μητέρα Τερέζα. Πηγαίνετε στο σύνδεσμο
για μια σύντομη βιογραφία της. Μπορείτε να φτιάξετε και fakebook γι' αυτήν. Γράψτε μόνο το σύνδεσμο εδώ για να το δούμε όλοι. Μην κάνετε copy-paste πληροφορίες από το διαδίκτυο, γιατί ούτε σωστό είναι αν δεν αναφέρετε την πηγή ούτε θα καταλαβαίνουν οι υπόλοιποι συμμαθητές σας τι γράφετε.


   This is an example of what you can create on fakebook about Mother Teresa: 

The European Schools Newspaper (ESN)

This is the first issue for the school year 2015-16. It is about OUR COUNTRY. You can read it, add to it or make comments.

(Διαβάστε το πρώτο τεύχος της εφημερίδας μας για φέτος και προσθέστε πληροφορίες ή σχολιάστε)


Go to Twinspace (ESN)

The second issue for this year is about IMAGINARY CREATURES/FAVOURITE HEROES & MYTHS

Please, have a look at the survey below and tell me what you think:

Thanks for taking the survey. The results show that Sports&records and then Cinema&Theatre seem to be your favourite topics.

This is the link to issue 3 about SPORTS & GAMES - ARTS & CRAFTS.

You can write about:
  • your hobby (a sport or an art of some kind or favourite handicraft)
  • your favourite team/athlete/player
  • explain the rules of your favourite sport/game
  • imagine or describe a game or a children' s game (eg.hide-and-seek) or a traditional Greek game for children your parents/grandparents used to play
  • write a review of your favourite film/play
  • describe your favourite actor or artist (painter, director, dancer, photographer, writer, poet etc)
  • describe a theatre you' ve been to (an ancient one for example) / a museum / an art gallery etc.
  • describe a school performance (you can include pictures of it, too)
  • .... ????

Here are some arts:

Here are some crafts:

Στο τρίτο τεύχος της εφημερίδας μπορείτε να γράψετε:
  • για ένα χόμπι σας (άθλημα ή τέχνη ή την αγαπημένη χειροτεχνία)
  • για την αγαπημένη σας ομάδα / αθλητή / παίκτη
  • να εξηγήσετε τους κανόνες της αγαπημένου σας αθλήματος/παιχνιδιού
  • να φανταστείτε ή να περιγράψετε ένα παιχνίδι ή ένα παιδικό παιχνίδι (πχ. κυνηγητό) ή ένα παραδοσιακό ελληνικό παιδικό παιχνίδι που οι γονείς / παππούδες σας έπαιζαν κάποτε
  • μια κριτική για μια αγαπημένη ταινία / θεατρικό έργο
  • περιγραφή του αγαπημένου σας ηθοποιού/καλλιτέχνη
  • περιγραφή ενός θεάτρου που έχετε πάει (ένα αρχαίο θέατρο για παράδειγμα) / μουσείου / γκαλερί κλπ.
  • περιγραφή μιας σχολικής παράστασης (μπορείτε να συμπεριλάβετε και φωτογραφίες από αυτή)
  • .... ????

Let' s get ready for the 4th issue, our last one. It should be fun to make and read! It is our farewell issue.
Here is a survey for you about the topics that you prefer:

Here are the results of the survey: most of you chose crazy horoscopes, making video/audio recordings and making your own drawings, comic strips, cartoons...
So, go for it! Here are some links to help you make fun stuff:

http://www.jigsawplanet.com/ (for jigsaw puzzles)
http://www.allposters.com/-st/Motivational-Posters_c12920_.htm (for motivational posters like the ones below)

Here is our last issue (ESN issue 4):
You can now add your fun stuff!